It’s a modern security joint
New system of 54»21 pullaway allows to reconnect mechanically two parts and to interrupt gas flow Technopolymers and conventional materials are real innovations of the product.
Technopolymers unhook parts are anti-friction to prevent cohesion
Technopolymers cover is resistant to impact and protects internal spare parts.
Immediate closure of gas flow when it detaches
Weight is lesser than other product. It makes it safer when it detaches
Internal spare parts are made of steel and brass. It ensures system’s resistance
via Rinascita, 38
40064 Ozzano Emilia (BO) | Italy
P. +39 051 6522059
Dlouhá 539
431 51 Klášterec nad Ohrí
The Czech republic
Ul. Zajecza 13
05-825 Grodzisk
Mazowiecki | Poland
서울특별시 동대문구 장한로2길 52 일광빌딩B동 502호
Mr. 이대화
C.F. e P.IVA IT03277381202 | Capitale sociale euro 10.000 i.v.
Rea BO-506120 – Registro Imprese di Bologna n. 03277381202 del 07/03/2013
SDI: J6URRTW | pec:
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