Version: Serie 800HQ, Serie 700HQ, Serie 500HQ
1 – Unscrew the fulcrum screw lever and remove the Nut
2 – Disconnect the Lever Group
3 – Remove the Fulcrum Bushing and the two fulcrum spacers
4 – Assemble the
nameplate holder
5 – Insert the Fulcrum Bushing then enter the Lever Group
6 – Screw the fulcrum screw lever and the Nut
via Rinascita, 38
40064 Ozzano Emilia (BO) | Italy
P. +39 051 6522059
Dlouhá 539
431 51 Klášterec nad Ohrí
The Czech republic
Ul. Zajecza 13
05-825 Grodzisk
Mazowiecki | Poland
서울특별시 동대문구 장한로2길 52 일광빌딩B동 502호
Mr. 이대화
C.F. e P.IVA IT03277381202 | Capitale sociale euro 10.000 i.v.
Rea BO-506120 – Registro Imprese di Bologna n. 03277381202 del 07/03/2013
SDI: J6URRTW | pec:
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